As summer starts coming to an end, seasonal depression seems to be peering around the corner. I think most people would say that summer is the peak time of the year, and life sadly doesn’t feel nearly as exciting during the rest of the seasons. If you want to beat the winter blues, you have to start early and build a routine now that will keep you happy In this guide, we’ll go through activities you should plan throughout Fall 2024 to enjoy the season while it’s here. Below we’ll talk about how to make sure your needs are met these next few months.
These activities can be planned in a group, orrrrr you could challenge yourself and do one or two solo! Doing things alone is one of the best skills you can develop – check out this post to learn how!
Fall 2024 activities to plan
Have some apples!
Nothing screams fall more to me than apple themed things. Some activities to plan are going apple picking, making an apple themed dessert or cocktail, or buying apple cider/apple cider donuts. I personally want to make mini apple pies this Fall 2024 to get into the fall spirit.

Go to a bookstore and buy a book
Whether you prefer Barnes and Nobles, another chain, or a local bookshop, as fall comes in, it’s the perfect time to pick up a new book. There is something about the atmosphere of a bookstore that feels extremely comforting and fall-esque. Give yourself bonus points if there’s an attached cafe OR if you go to a cafe and read, while sipping a cup of coffee or tea. If you aren’t ready for the commitment of buying a book right now, going to your local library and borrowing one will do the trick just the same.

Cozy up while you read
One of the things that makes me happy as it gets colder out, is curling up with a good book. I personally prefer to be under a blanket, in an armchair by the window. Ideally, my dog would be laying at the foot of my chair sleeping for company. I think other than taking a nap, this is the closest us humans get to hibernating. Nothing feels more peaceful than cozying up with a good book on a cold and breezy day.

Put on a fall classic to watch
While I am not the biggest fan of watching or streaming, there is one movie series that feels perfectly fall-like to me. For me, it’s Harry Potter. I also think Gilmore Girls fits this vibe too, but that’s probably because it’s set in Connecticut where I live. Whichever you prefer of movies or series, pick a few that feel nostalgic and like fall to watch! I would say watch while under a blanket too!

See the foliage
If you live in a place that experiences all four seasons, you know that seeing the leaves change colors is when it officially feels like fall. After spending a year in a place with only one season, I realized how grateful I am to see the foliage. Fall 2024, I’m making a goal of going for a few hikes or nature walks while the leaves are vibrant and before it gets too cold. Get on a comfy outfit and go for a walk or hike this fall!

Get warm and cozy
Take inventory of all of you fall and winter clothes. Is there anything additional you need to stay warm this year? If there are essentials you desperately need – buy them! If you have a little extra money to spend on yourself, buy something cozy that you need. A little present like a pair of fuzzy socks, a sweater, a pair of sweatpants, or a new blanket will make you a little more excited for it to get cold. If there is an outlet near you, I highly suggest you go to Vera Bradley and get one of their blankets on sale. They are amazing quality and on sale are only $10 or $15!

Eat or drink something pumpkin flavored
While not my favorite (I love apples if you didn’t realize by me putting it first), I know many people enjoy pumpkin! Especially a pumpkin spice latte and how fall-esque it feels. As I’m writing this, it’s September 1st. Starbucks just released pumpkin spice back out about a week ago, which I’ve actually never tried, but know that some of my friends and family enjoy. If this feels like fall to you, or like me you’ll maybe try it because why not, add this to your Fall 2024 goals.

Write a letter to a long distance friend
There’s something so special about writing a hand written card. I think with emails being incredibly easy to send, taking the time and effort to hand write it shows so much love and consideration. For me personally, I just graduated college and am living hours away from my friends. One of my goals this year is to send my long distance bffs a hand written card. If you are in college, send a card to your childhood or high school friends.

Find a corn maze and do it!
I found that near me in Connecticut, there’s a farm who grows one of the biggest corn mazes in New England! Once I saw this, I knew I had to plan a day trip to do it. For me, corn mazes feel very nostalgic and remind me of what fall was like as a child. If there is a corn maze near you, take some friends or family and do it.

As it gets colder and harsher outside, it feels even more important and urgent to help those without. Take some time to volunteer at a soup kitchen, food shelter, or the organization of your choosing. If there are four seasons where you live, you know life gets more difficult for everyone the colder it gets out. Take care of your community

Plan a themed party
As it gets colder, you tend to see people less often. Switch that up by hosting a fun themed party for the season! You could do a movie or tv themed party: Practical Magic, Gilmore Girls, or Harry Potter themed. You could also do a fall harvest dinner, pumpkin carving and pizza night, or host a pumpkin paint and sip. Pinterest and Tik Tok are chalk full of fun ideas you can do. That way, you can get your creative juices flowing for a change and also hang out with people you love!

Make a candy charcuterie board
Thanks to Halloween, fall is probably the best time of year to have candy! If you like sugar, indulge a little in your favorites while watching a movie, at a themed party you plan, ready a book, or really whenever! My personal favorites are sour patches (watermelons if we’re being specific) and candy corn. If there are kids who trick or treat in your neighborhood, start looking up the best deals of where to buy from and what kind.

You need to be taking care of each level of your health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritually, so make a plan of what you will be doing this Fall 2024 to attend to each!
Physical Health:
Find something active that can transition with the changing weather. Take advantage of the warmth while it lasts, like going on hikes or walks in the foliage as we talked about earlier. If you live somewhere where the weather changes drastically, you should also think about what you will do to be active when it’s cold and you don’t want to go outside.
Do you want to buy a yoga mat to try out Youtube yoga and pilates classes? Do you need to force yourself to workout and prefer an in person class? Research gyms or studios around that you can try out to decide which you like. I know some people feel more motivated if they know they’ll be fined. Do you like the cold? Maybe try out a new winter sport. Find what matches your preferences to stay active this season and next.

Mental Health:
If you suffer from seasonal depression, start making a plan asap. Make sure you are spending time outside while it’s still light out and make a habit of it! Go to your doctor and see if taking Vitamin D would help you. Invest in a light therapy lamp for your living space. Or if you have the extra money, start planning a trip to go somewhere warm when it’s at its coldest where you live. Figuring these out beforehand will make the transition between seasons SO much more manageable and less anxiety inducing.
Also, a huge part of your mental health boils down to your confidence and how you feel about yourself. We should always be striving to grow or be just a little bit better every single day. As the fall feels like time to go back to school, no matter your age, make sure you are feeling intellectually challenged by trying to learn something new.
This can be learning about a subject area you like OR a new skill like knitting or making something new from scratch, like mozzarella or sourdough bread. Maybe sign up for one of Harvard’s free online courses, or check out your local library to see what classes they offer. While it’s harder to get your body moving as it gets colder, you need to balance it out by using your brain more by doing something, literally anything new and interesting to you! Again, creating a routine in this time will make both Fall 2024 and Winter 2024 so much more enjoyable.

Spiritual Health:
You don’t have to be super religious or coin yourself as a “spiritual person” to be working on your spiritual health. At its core, it’s about being connected to something bigger than yourself. This can be a church or a belief system, or it could be about a movement or cause. As we mentioned volunteering earlier, maybe find an organization that you like to volunteer for. One way I really want to volunteer is through where you can sign up to bake birthday cakes for families who can’t afford them. You can take time to help someone in your family with a big task, like moving houses or spending extra time with an elderly family member. Whatever makes you feel connected to the people around you and like you made a positive difference in someone else’s life will improve your spiritual health and self-confidence.

Emotional Health:
Take time to do a check in with yourself. How do you feel? What things are currently making you happy, sad, angry, or stressed at the moment. Decide what you need to add and subtract from your life for this season. Your emotional health overlaps with basically every other type of health that we’ve mentioned. If the others are taken care of, you probably are in a pretty good place emotionally. But find out if there are sore-points in your life that you can address. If you get seasonal depression or have some things to work through, find a therapist to talk with.
Do you have a good relationship with your family, plan a time to hang out with them. If not, plan some quality time to spend with your friends. As it gets colder, life gets a little more lonely. Plan a few dates ahead of time to get your fix with people you care about and that care about you!
By planning activities that you can look forward to, while also taking care of your own personal health, you can feel fulfilled and also enjoy this Fall 2024! If you happen to live in CT, or another New England state, check out this more activity specific post. Have a great fall!

[…] to do just a drive away! If you’re looking for more ideas to plan the perfect fall, check out this guide to romanticizing fall 2024! One of my biggest goals for 2023 was doing more things alone. If this aligns with you, take a look […]